So we struggled to leave the Ithaca motel but eventually got away about half 7. The fabled climb we had heard about wasnt quite as bad as everyone had said so we made good time making our way between the finger lakes at a good speed despite an increasing headwind and threatning looking clouds. We eventually reached Geneva after doing 44 miles and stopped to get ourselves a hotdog and some food for the trip. By this stage both me and jon had seized up! To put it mildly and were practically falling asleep. We followed to route 20 along for about 40 miles into a severe headwind. We ended up asking ourselves why we chose to cross America the 'wrong way'. On reaching Lima we felt good and were prepared to put in a few miles extra until lightning struck twice and I broke a spoke in my rear wheel. An angry conversation with my dad followed since he chose the wheels. We ended up staying in a pretty skank motel but tomorrows another day!
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