Although cycling a little slower the next 30 odd miles were really enjoyable cycling along route 3 which runs along side lake erie. Fantastic views with clear blue skies saw a few oil plunger things (pictured) on our way into wheatley I was a bit confused as a truck with orange lights drove down the middle of the road this was followed by a police car I thought they were going to have a word with keir for taking his helmet off for what must have been 30 seconds (or the chickens he stole) next thing I knew I was side by side with a passing vehicle 15 foot wide and at least 60 foot long.
Got some food supplies in leamington before going to an interview cafe to update the blog and check emails. Owners of the cafe greg and kelly helped give advice on campsites before suggesting we stay in their family members disused home by the side of an industrial estate. Another free night! Get In! Woopty! Also another night without a shower!
Above: Brushing teeth on the road
Above: Oil thing on route 3
Above: A thumbs up to a free night!
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