After a long lie in till 10 woo! We had some homemade waffles with maple syrup and strawberries made by owen's girlfriend angela which was delicious.Yesterday whilst in Owen's bike shop I had noticed a flyer for bike polo which it turned out owen did often. So we all cycled out to it and me and jon watched on as they played the first couple of games before i had a go. Which was a lot of fun! me and then jon headed back and popped out to get some food from a local mexican restaurant and before we knew it it was almost 6! so we headed on back to the apartment before owen threw a bbq for us and their neighbours from downstairs (a classic quote from keith which included something about eating 15 year olds for breakfast) .it was lovely to have a laugh and eat great food and beer. Before sleeping like a baby.

Above: Bike polo times!

Above: Setting up the BBQ
All looks good guys. Jon, have fun chilling in the windy city and hope the rest of the journey all goes well mate. Tried to text you but dont know what phone ur on because i didn't get a text from you. Keep up the blog...its a great read and chat to you soon
ReplyDeleteLove readin the blog! and the photos! it all sounds amazing! missed wishing u a happy birthday oops! birthday hugs! Hope its all going well - love from sue xxx