Woke up Nick Connie & Amy and left Wabasha by half 7. Crossed over the bridge and cycled along the 35. All went pretty well cycling along the 35 one puncture along the way between the four of us. Stopped off at a nice coffee house & ice cream shop along the way. Really nice riding with other like minded people :) Got to Prescott around half one grabbed a bite to eat then went to find a 'ice cream social' at a nearby church. Turned out the church was infact 8 miles away but the people who directed us ended up going to a nearby shop to get us ice cream as we were sitting under their tree! Had our own mini ice cream social! Had a quick swim in the Mississippi before heading onto Minneapolis. Started off on quite a busy road but turned off it to find a nicer route into the city. Was quite sad to say goodbye to the others after a great couple of days but plan to see them tomorrow (today now). Took a long time to get across the city as it is pretty big (over 10miles wide) which began to be quite tiresome considering the length of time i had been riding. Lovely to arrive at Brett's apartment and go grab a few hot-dogs! Had a newcastle brown which was sorta homely tho unsurprisingly it was chilled!

Above: Puncture repair time!

Above: Ice cream time!

Above: THE MAN.

Above: Nick feeds the lama!

Above: Minneapolis from afar!

Above: (Left to right) Me, Nick, Connie & Amy.

Above: Sunset across the lake.
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