$32 dollar breakfast! Got the subway to Brooklyn. Walked around and saw the Borough Hall. Tried to give blood but we couldn't as we were at risk of CJD! Great view of manhattan and brooklyn bridge from the promenade tho again very murky. Walked through Chinatown & Little Italy. Lots of cheap shops & restaurants as you would expect - pretty handy as my shorts had been falling down for the past three days treated myself to a belt - same price as a bottle of water.
Walked to ground zero which was pretty odd seeing a massive gap in the skyline. Went inside the memorial centre which had lots of quotes from people pre and post september 11 also lots of artifacts i.e two melted police guns. Very difficult not to get emotional at times especially when looking at the wall of photos from 'missing' photos. Glad we went there tho.
Then the rain came - good timing for a walk around the park!
Yankees game in the evening . Bit of a polava getting in but we managed it after narrowly avoiding paying $80 and having to walk three blocks to store our bags and water bottles. Bought $20 tickets off a security guard that escorted us outside, bit dodge.. but it worked!
Great view from the seats! Stood up twice for the american national anthem! Few odd things about the game - people are more interested in seeing their faces on the board and doing mexican waves than watching the game! Lasted about 3 hours seattle mariners won 8 - 4. Stomach felt a bit wrong after two big 'mountain dews' three hot dogs and a disguting pretzel! No idea why people eat them! Like munching on a pot of mouldy salt! Atmosphere was great!
Sorted out a few nights couchsurfing before going to bed!
N.b. they throw the ball at 96mph!!!
Above: Views from Brooklyn
Above: Chinatown
Above: Views from the game
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