Left in good time today to arrive in time for Sanchez & Frankie to meet me downtown. Very warm day, wouldn't have seemed right had i ended on a tailwind so the strong headwind seemed fitting. Stopped in at a UPS store to check the cost of shipping my bike back home... around $600! Cycling into the city was a little strange after having been out in the sticks for the last month! Waited around for the others to arrive, ended up next to a little piano on the streets with some guy playing a welcoming John Lennons 'Imagine.' Arranaged a meeting point with the others then met them for clam chowder! Both Frankie & Sanchez were absolutely knackered from the flights but my excitement of finishing the trip made up for it!
The past two months have been supurb! Have met a mass of people and have seen a great variety of sights!
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has helped me with the trip, especially to Mum & Dad for encouragement all accross the states, i am expecting a few more grey hairs on return!